*NB* This document is out of date, and is here to be used as a template The purpose of this text is to give the release team a few guide lines on marking bugs etch-ignore. In the end, the decision whether to mark a bug etch-ignore or not is the decision of the release team member in charge, i.e. don't argue about what is written here! Also, expect that all of this will be RC for etch+1. We ignore, unless fixed fast (i.e. older than 7 days), and unless this is a regression from sarge (we may extempt from that as well in some cases): - postrm/purge failures if a dependency is removed; - obvious license mistakes, as long as the relicensing under a DFSG-license is going on with upstream (e.g. upstream forgot to allow distribution of modified versions (but has provision for them in the license at another place), and agreed to fix that with the next upstream release). This doesn't include code that is philosophically non-free, but is meant for code that is meant to be free. - *.pyc in the wrong place - architecture dependend files in /usr/share